Perdue also eliminated funds for the Civil War Commission, the Civil War Trails and the Veterans' Wall of Honor, and set a $140,000 cut from the Georgia Humanities Council, $60,000 from the Georgia Historical Society and $30,000 from the society's historical-marker revitalization program.Arkansas:
The Civil War Sesquicentennial Commission says there were more than 770 military actions in the state during the war — but it only has money for 33 markers.Mississippi: The Sesquicentennial Committee has met only once since its founding, has no funding, and can't get a quorum at meetings.
Virginia: SCV and NAACP tangle over proposed marker in park.
In Macon, Georgia, fundraisers seeking to make and place 14 historical markers around the town told potential donors
That hub could turn up an $11.7 million economic impact from tourists and create an estimated 130 new jobs in the tourism industry based on the success of trails in Virginia.They're still selling that stuff but who's buying?