Washington, September 10, 1861You look at Lincoln's involvement with cotton trading permits and wonder how many more "pork" and privilege letters are in private collections.
J. McKINSTRY, Brigadier General and Quartermaster, St. Louis:
Permit me to introduce James L. Lamb, Esq.[headed large firm for merchandising and pork-packing] of Springfield Illinois. I have known Mr. Lamb for a great many years. His reputation for integrity and ability to carry out his engagements are both unquestioned, and I shall be pleased, if consistent with the public good, that you will make purchases of him of any army supplies needed in your Department.
Your obedient servant,
American Civil War historiography and publishing blogged daily by Dimitri Rotov.
How it was done
In case the name does not ring a bell, Justus McKinstry took care of John Fremont's supplies. His private papers contain this letter: