Civil War Bookshelf
American Civil War historiography and publishing blogged daily by Dimitri Rotov.
The Free State of Southwest Virginia
Hattaway and Beringer mention The Free State of Southwest Virginia in their Jefferson Davis book but I can find no trace of it on the WWW o...
Civil War memes in Zamoyski's Napoleon, A Life
I was startled by the number of Civil War history memes found in Adam Zamoyski's Napoleon, A Life . Marches Recall a topic as trivi...
The new revolutionary war
With the fall of Richmond, Jefferson Davis proposed to carry on the war in the style of the American revolution. This is as much as we g...
When history repeats itself
Mr. Lincoln's Army , Catton, 1951 Mr. Lincoln's Navy , West 1957 Life in Mr. Lincoln’s Navy , Ringle, 1998 Mr. Lincoln's B...
Francis Preston Blair (Sr.) remains history-proof
At that time at which Fremont is relieved, and later when McClellan must be restored, there appears in Civil War military histories a shad...
A new year revelation
The New York Times list of top Civil War books may be the saddest thing you ever read but this can make you sad as well. Pop history is ...
Happy New Year
Much to share in 2019. Humble request, however. If you are not subscribed to this blog, please stop accessing it. Thanks!
Quartermaster Meigs
Remember when one subtitle was enough? Here we have The [emphasis in original] Quartermaster: Montgomery C. Meigs * Lincoln’s General * Ma...
Publishing industry snapshots
I used to do more with this but for now enjoy this industry site , filled with data and analysis.
Private ACW portraiture made public
The Army and Navy club has put its private art collection online. Have a look her e and browse the whole site for more Civil War history p...
John Clem
Just encountered club member John Clem in our newsletter. The club account has him thrice wounded by age 13. It gives the number of 40,000...
Civil War beer for discerning Civil War readers (Centennialists, stick to your Kool-Aid)
Antietam Brewery knows what's what. Unfortunately, the website does not include the text on the beer label (right). It says somethi...
The first Union mobilization
Every reader faces that early war event where Lincoln (spoiler alert: not just Lincoln ) mobilizes 75,000 “militia” (spoiler alert: very lit...
William Manchester exposed
Yet another lying historian ... who had no need to lie.
Thinking about statues
I weighed in over at Tom Woods' site .
NYT: Best ACW books
Did not know that the New York Times extended its authority worship or influence peddling into ACW nonfiction , For the authority seekers wh...
Reading levels
The great thing about being 65 is you read at the 65-year-old level.
Pop quiz
Hello, Civil War readers! Let's take a quiz. Francis Preston Blair was the father of Frank and Montgomery Blair. We find him advisin...
It's good to mock Civil War pop history
... as Althouse does here: Wait. I thought the Civil War was inevitable and no President could have averted it. Is inevitable history e...
Sears' "Generals"
The esteemed Russell Bonds finds a few good things in Stephen Sears' latest. Whenever I feel so inclined myself, I go back and read t...
Get Nelly
I bought Lincoln's Generals' Wives by Candice S. Hooper to read more about Mary Ellen McClellan. Something on the Internet led me t...
Civil War operas
Civil War operas are proliferating. A few I missed: Freedom and Fire! Cold Mountain The Dream of a Good Death: A Civil War Folk-Rock O...
The ghost of Civil War past
The Confederacy’s 9th Kentucky Infantry had a drama club . Among prisoners of war, and " Chess was the principal game , and the deman...
Light my cannon ball
Another one of those stories where the reporters and city officials are too ignorant and illiterate to explain what the problem might be: M...
Ramblin Spokes, ACW author: Best ways to blurb
Hello again, readers and aspiring authors! Many a time has Ramblin been asked to blurb a book he hasn't read. As you become successful...
Are there any good books on the election of '56? It seems as interesting, at least, as that of 1860. We have all of these ACW figure...
Amazon book sales: protected data?
The activity of Amazon vending is a counterpart to and competition for Ebay selling. Both activities have lots of third party tools on the m...
Wartime state militias
Churchill said (I think) that the Balkans have so much history, they need to export much of it. In the same sense, Georgia's Civil War...
Ramblin Spokes, Civil War author: Beware the archive!
Hello again, would-be readers and writers! Let Ramblin Spokes, seasoned seller, help you with that book or article that you've worked ...
Curious booklists
A reader writes: I was looking at Amazon’s “Civil War” bestsellers: 1. Lincoln (O’Reilly) 2. Lincoln (Team of Rivals 3. ...
Premature planning for the postwar (cont.)
Recently wrote about the business of planning for your spoils of victory while wallowing in the depths of defeat. Ran into this passage i...
Effects based operations
The starting point for any analysis of the Civil War must begin with two facts sometimes mentioned, never much developed: The South could ...
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