The number of ACW bloggers with books out this year is impressive. Setting aside authors who may have started blogs this year and last, we have a surprisingly robust list.
Michael Aubrecht - The Civil War in Spotsylvania County (VA): Confederate Campfires at the Crossroads
John Hoptak - Antietam Trivia and Our Boys Did Nobly
J. David Petruzzi and The Complete Gettysburg Guide we have spoken of earlier in the season
Scott Mingus - The Louisiana Tigers in the Gettysburg Campaign, June-July 1863
Ethan Rafuse - Robert E. Lee and the Fall of the Confederancy, 1863-1865
Jim Schmidt - Lincoln's Labels: America's Best Known Brands and the Civil War
Jim Schmidt (coeditor) - Years of Change and Suffering: Modern Perspectives on Civil War Medicine
Brooks Simpson - The Reconstruction Presidents and the forthcoming Civil War In The East 1861-1865: A Strategic Assessment
Eric Wittenberg - Like a Meteor Burning Brightly: The Short but Controversial Life of Colonel Ulric Dahlgren
Steven Woodworth - The Shiloh Campaign ... Note that Woodworth went nuts last year, squandering hours of potential blogging time preparing this, this, this, and this
Previous posts talked about the books of JD Petruzzi, Betsy Rosen, and Larry Tagg. Most of the books above have not yet been discussed.
I am likely to have missed a few entries, for which apologies in advance.