Bill Kaufmann and Tom Woods discuss the Kaufmann/Maxwell film Copperhead and make a few interesting points. I paraphrase and summarize:
Woods: Do we not today use "The North"* as a foil** against "the South"*?
Kaufmann: The greatest anachronism in an historical film is to have a character reflect 21st Century ideas and values.
Woods: The Liberty Party received 2% of the vote before the Civil War. But if you talk to people today, that's not a radical party because we're all behind the Liberty Party now.
These are summaries and paraphrases, I repeat, and the context of their discussion is modern political Libertarianism in places. Unfortunately, the scant treatment of these kinds of insights spotlights the limits of radio-podcast-video discussions.
(Note: I'm not sure the audio link will stay active beyond a few more days)
* as a construct
** in the sense of thesis/antithesis