Reminds me of a story. Ran into a party of U. of Penn archaeologists digging off a main highway in Cyprus during the early 1980s. In the course of chit chat, we discovered they did not know where or what Cyprus was; what language the locals spoke (despite billboards); nor whether or not cold beer was sold in such a country. We asked them, "How on earth do you know what you are digging for?" and they came back with gobbledygook: "We specialize in era 79 of the Tell Culture Alpha," or some such. It was the most amazing display of mind-crippling specialization I have ever seen.
Meanwhile, these two budding teenaged archaeologists knew exactly what they were after, and the NPS has hit them pretty hard. Digging up a bullet, you see, leaves a small hole.
"They have destroyed the context of understanding that portion of the battlefield," said Smith. [...] People who violate [these] laws can be fined up to $250,000 and sentenced to two years in prison.Can you imagine? People who can't identify a rut sure know the value of a hole.