It was the greatest war in American history. 3 million fought - 600,000 died. It was the only war fought on American soil by Americans, and for that reason we have always been fascinated with The Civil War.From
It was the greatest war in American history. 3 million fought - 600,000 died. It was the only war fought on American soil by Americans, and for that reason we have always been fascinated by the Civil War.From
The Civil War. . . 3 million fought... 600,000 died... It was the only war fought on American soil by Americans...From
The Civil War was the greatest war in American history. 3 million American soldiers fought and 600,000 died in the huge battles. It was the only war fought on American soil by Americans, and for that reason we have always been fascinated with The Civil War.And so it goes for 48,900 Google hits on the search term 3 million fought and 600,000 died. One for the record books.
Hat tip to the Virtual Professor. He uses Google for plagiarism detection and suspects the first citation (at the top of this page) to be the original source.