
Franklin battlefield dispute continues

Franklin newspaper reporters are running some interference for a plan that converts a city golf course to battlefield land:
Franklin Mayor Tom Miller said battlefield preservation and keeping the city from looking like ''Generica'' would be top city priorities. This shift towards preservation politics is being applauded by residents and elected officials in other parts of the county, but most say their cities can't afford to do what Franklin is doing.

Occasionally, a positive letter to the editor also turns up:
I must say I am staggeringly baffled by the continuing debate over the proposed reclamation and historic significance — indeed existence — of the eastern flank of the Franklin battlefield. If logic, sensibility and fact hold any sway in the decision over the future of this land there can be only one rational choice. The land is, beyond the shadow of doubt, battleground. The only clear choice for the future of Franklin is the reclamation and preservation of that land as such.