Issue #1: The matter of John Brown doing a mass killing in Kansas as opposed to Missouri.
Hasty & Slovenly: "Brown and seven of his followers ... brutally murdered and mutilated five pro-slavery men near Dutch Henry's Crossing on Pottawatomie Creek in Franklin County[Kansas]." (Link)
Issue # 2: Union military operations against Rebels in Kansas in 1863.
Hasty & Slovenly: Pursuit of Quantrill, after the sack of Lawrence of course.
Issue # 3: Were any rebel units permanently or temporarily based in KS?
Hasty & Slovenly: Probably not, though more research needs to be done.
Issue # 4: Did Confederates back any of their paper with redemption promises against gold?
Hasty & Slovenly: Occasionally. We found a redemption pledge similar to the one in the episode: "Redeemable in Gold within Six Months after the Raising of the Blockade of our Coast."
Gentlemen, your conclusion?
Hasty & Slovenly: Maverick's scriptwriters did not need Civil War history consultants.