
"New writing" from James McPherson (cont.)

The man has chops, you have to admit it.
... the new government offered American settlers large land grants to move into its sparsely populated northern province of Tejas. - James McPherson, New York Review of Books, February 7, 2013
"Mexico welcomed foreign settlers to sparsely populated Texas" - Source

"Tejas was sparsely populated" - Source

"Since the province of Texas was very sparsely populated..." - Source

"[Texas] was a sparsely populated area in northern Mexico..." - Source

"... note that the province of Tejas—Texas ... was a sparsely populated area in northern Mexico." - Source

"Mexico welcomed foreign settlers to sparsely populated Texas." - Source

"American settlers who had made their homes in this sparsely populated land..." - Source

And on it goes.